Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The word today is 'POME':
Hercules' 11th labor

Looking for a challenge? Let's try something new, shall we? ABSURD ASSOCIATIONS. Start with The Apples of the Hesperides and write on with the first thing that comes to mind, do it for 4 or 5 times and see where you get.
For example: The Apples of the Hesperides - The apples of my eyes - the pome juice drop on my glasses- a glass of dry cider - The Cider house Rules.

Keep all entries clean, creative, and courteous.
Enjoy the game!

PS: We welcome all suggestions and comments. Just go to the 'suggestions' page and let us know what you think. For information on how to play the game, please refer to the 'Be Loqwacious' page. Thank you.


  1. Apple of the Hesperides – Ladon – Dragons – There be dragons here - Maps in Fantasy Novels

  2. The Apples of the Hesperides - The apples of hesperus -apples in the moonlight - tarte aux pommes under the stars - tarte à la pome in Hollywood - pomegranate juice on Rodeo Drive - smoothie with Hercules on a horse.

  3. The apples of hesperides
    The pomes of Romans in Rome
    Romance in my boudoir
    Dreams of Bacchanalia

  4. Apple of the Hesperides
    A pie mum baked at home
    Am eye the apple of mum's "I"?
    A poorly rhyming pome!

    I don't grow apples on my trees,
    Hera and Zeus? Don't know 'em.
    But I know what pomander is
    And I can write a poem! ;-)

  5. Pome Poem

    Powerless Over My Emotions,
    the Product Of My Environment,
    I climbed the walls and stole the apples.
    That was my Point of Main Effort,
    but crisp apples sweet
    apples red apples
    juicy apples tart
    Golden apples from Hesperides.
    They provided my Point of Market Entry
    and the money rolled in.
    Yet I was too self-confident,
    too cocksure.
    I called myself the Apple King -
    No one could move them like me.
    Betrayed by my photograph on the cover of
    the September edition of
    Principles of Motion Economy.
    Chased and
    caught by Scotland Yard,
    now I mope;
    a Prisoner of Her Majesty of England.
